We recently wrapped out our orange week of our color themes. As with the boys, my goal is not for her to learn her colors. You can see my tot school goals here.
Juniper was 15 months
Juniper's little area on our wall. I put up her color poster was free from Isla Hearts Teaching on TPT. I put out someorange" themed books for her. This week she actually read them better than in previous weeks.
I tried to give her a chance to use different media for her little orange coloring book pages (free here). She used colored pencils, marker and Do-a-Dot Markers
I'm introducing her to Montessori 3 Part Vocabulary Cards with some color cards. She's not ready to do them independently, but I'm modeling for her and eventually she'll get it. She does like trying to help put the word card on the picture. Sometimes she does it correctly, sometimes she doesn't, and sometimes she knocks all the cards on the floor. This week we were able to also use her color sorting food.
This week's sensory bin had some orange (and brown and yellow) rice, some orange chickpeas and some acrylic leaves and pumpkins.
Pumpkin scented play dough with little fall scatter and cookie cutters.
Stickers on orange paper.
Orange magnetic tiles on the light table.
Pumpkin Shape Matching from Totschooling. She was not quite ready to do this activity, but had fun trying.
Using orange tissue paper and contact paper to make a pumpkin sun catcher.
This week's shelves were pretty simple. Some felt shapes, some balance beams, her Spinagain, a South American Animal matching activity from big brother's school (she likes to play with them), a puzzle, a stacking toy, orange sorting food and a bin or orange toys.
Shapes from a gross motor game I made for Archer (templates here). Sometimes she will go to the shape or color you call out. Mostly, she goes where she wants.

Here first time really trying to use the balance beams. She much preferred holding my hand.
Trying out the stacking toy.
She's just about got this puzzle mastered.
You can check out our other Color Theme posts here:
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