Xander's first birthday is almost here! I have been in party planning mode for a while and am so excited to see him dig into his cake! However, I decided to give him his birthday present early.
We have a fantastic family museum here in town and I decided that a good gift would be a year long pass. So far we have gone twice. He has loved it, and I love being able to expose him to a variety of experiences. We were planning on going to their big Halloween party, which is why he got the pass early, but then Xander had a fever that day.
Anyway, here are some pictures of his first adventures at the museum.
Driving the milk truck.
Checking out the dog house.
Listening to the music at the oral hygiene station.
Finding a secret passage in the toddler play house.
On the bridge!
Playing outside.
First experience playing with a train track. Can't say he was good at keeping them on the track, but at least he had fun!
Fascinated by the big screen they have for him to crawl on. As he crawls across the "pond" the lily pads and fish move away and the water ripples.