Sunday, November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving Activities: Prek-K

Things have been a little crazy around here, so honestly, we did not do nearly as many Thanksgiving themed activities as I had hoped. A lot of our "Thanksgiving" school activities got lumped in with the pumpkin and leaves activities. However, to preserve ideas for myself in the future, here is what we did do.
Thanksgiving Play dough. I gave him pumpkin and acorn vase scatter, cookie cutters, feathers and our pumpkin spice play dough. Of course, he mostly wanted to use his number candles. :)
I purchased a Thanksgiving sensory bin unit from a Differentiated Kindergarten. He did the number matching activity. There were a ton of activities in the packet, but he really only wanted to do a couple of the number ones. The rest I will save for next year (and/or the next kid)
We also used some of the number cards and a worksheet to draw a card and write the two numbers that come before it.
Family tradition of making cranberry relish together.
I made sure to have out lots of Thanksgiving books. He read a few, but is in a phase where he wants to read the same few books over and over and over. I can't wait til he will try "new" books again.
His work corner for November. Some he did at home and some at preschool.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Pre-K Fall Leaves and Pumpkin Activities

 While we are slowly working our way through some purchased curriculum this year, I am still incorporating some fun themed activities. In September I posted apple activities and here are the Leaves and Pumpkin activities.

We did the pumpkin, corn and leaf from the Fall Cuisenaire Template

Leaf word families from 3 Dinosaurs

Fall play dough included some acrylic apples, leaves and pumpkins, some sticks and mini pinecones and some cookie cutters.
He decided to add in some googly eyes and number candles.
Autumn puzzle from the dollar store.
Sensory bin with a tractor, birdseed, pinecones, and acrylic acorns, pumpkins and leaves.
We went on leaf hunt and I showed him how to do leaf rubbings (he had no interest in doing them himself.
This little pipe cleaner tree I made last year was a hit again. He enjoyed putting all of the pony beads on the tree as "leaves."
Picking out his pumpkin at the patch.
Working on leaves for our tree of gratitude. Each day we put up a leaf with something for which we are thankful. Last year I laminated them, so I didn't have to cut anything out this year!!
Pumpkin Number Bonds from Kindergarten Worksheets and Games
Number matching with him pumpkins and trucks
Books! As always, we read lots of books about leaves and pumpkins. This was only one shelf setup.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Pre-K Monthly Summary: October

I've posted about some of the themes we have done this fall, but I thought I'd also do a monthly summary post of some of our other school activities (mostly for me to look back on).  Since he goes to preschool two days a week for social interaction and because he is only 3, school is always short, doesn't happen daily, and isn't forced. 


We're using some lessons from Kindergarten Math with Confidence, but only those that fit his current skill level. We're also adding in other activities.

Comparing numbers

Shopping for cars is still his favorite math activity! He asks for it frequently. I used dry erase notecards for prices (0-20 cents). I give him 5 pennies, 1-2 nickels and 1 dime. I think we're ready to move on to higher prices.

Learning about symmetry with his Geoland Jr Activity Set
Miquon Math book with a dry erase sleeve.
Playing around with Cuisenaire rods.
Osmo Tangrams and Shapes
Building with geometry builders
Playing with his coding fox.


We're working our way through All About Spelling. We definitely keep the lessons short, subdividing them into multiple days. He likes it as long as we don't try to do too much at a time.

He's doing great now that we're actually spelling words. Sometimes he wants to use the letter tiles, sometimes he uses other letters we have, sometimes he jumps and calls out the letters.


Handwriting has been a little hit or miss. We are using Handwriting Without Tears Kickstart Kindergarten He has come up with a way to write several letters before we get to them, so he's having to re-learn at times. He LOVES the  workbook, though.

Other Activities

Watching Kidstart Spanish
He still loves reading books. Usually, he insists on reading himself, but will occasionally let me read to him. Usborne Lift-the-Flap books are still favorites.
Hanging in his boat. I'm glad he's becoming more open to imaginative play.
Grandma gave him some US states stickers. I wish I could find more because he loved them!
A little painting.
Numbers, cars and states, three of his favorite things!
Still doing great at tumbling class.
"Playing" the Scrambled States of America. He said he wants to play his way instead of by the rules.
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