Sunday, November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving Activities: Prek-K

Things have been a little crazy around here, so honestly, we did not do nearly as many Thanksgiving themed activities as I had hoped. A lot of our "Thanksgiving" school activities got lumped in with the pumpkin and leaves activities. However, to preserve ideas for myself in the future, here is what we did do.
Thanksgiving Play dough. I gave him pumpkin and acorn vase scatter, cookie cutters, feathers and our pumpkin spice play dough. Of course, he mostly wanted to use his number candles. :)
I purchased a Thanksgiving sensory bin unit from a Differentiated Kindergarten. He did the number matching activity. There were a ton of activities in the packet, but he really only wanted to do a couple of the number ones. The rest I will save for next year (and/or the next kid)
We also used some of the number cards and a worksheet to draw a card and write the two numbers that come before it.
Family tradition of making cranberry relish together.
I made sure to have out lots of Thanksgiving books. He read a few, but is in a phase where he wants to read the same few books over and over and over. I can't wait til he will try "new" books again.
His work corner for November. Some he did at home and some at preschool.


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