Players: 2-5
Zeus on the Loose is a kids card game I bought for my oldest. He eventually grew out of it and now it's time for my younger son to play it. It's a relatively simple card game where you are trying to be the first player to spell "ZEUS. You add cards to the discard pile (Mount Olympus) and have to say the new total of the cards. You get to steal Zeus when the total reaches a multiple of 10, you match the previous card, or one of the god cards lets you. The round ends when Mount Olympus reaches 100. If you end the the round with Zeus, you win a letter. You repeat until someone successfully gets all four letters.
This game is great for early elementary math skills. Includes addition up to 100 and lots of focus on multiples of 10. For a younger kid, you could use a 100s board to help them keep tract of Mount Olympus. The god cards bring in some strategy and the booklet includes information about each of the gods. It might be a good game to introduce some of the Greek mythology. However, it does feel a bit like a "math" game rather than just a regular card game. That works for us, since we have several "math" games we use as part of our homeschool (or to reinforce math when my oldest was in public school).
This game is great for early elementary math skills. Includes addition up to 100 and lots of focus on multiples of 10. For a younger kid, you could use a 100s board to help them keep tract of Mount Olympus. The god cards bring in some strategy and the booklet includes information about each of the gods. It might be a good game to introduce some of the Greek mythology. However, it does feel a bit like a "math" game rather than just a regular card game. That works for us, since we have several "math" games we use as part of our homeschool (or to reinforce math when my oldest was in public school).