We are currently working on our Mommy and Me ABC units. This week we did the letter V and Vultures. Unless otherwise specified, all of the printables are from my Mommy and Me ABC Printables, which are free as we complete them (for a detailed list of all the materials in the printables, check out this post).
This was his desk setup. On the left is his magnetic calendar. His white board had some alphabet magnets, and his fridge phonics set. The shelf had some Vs, some V books and a toy vulture.
Finding all the Vs to get the baby vulture to its mommy. He uses a Do-A-Dot marker to mark all of the Vs, and for some reason, it always has to be the purple/pink.
Vulture Number Match
He matched some number tiles to the cards with the correct number of vultures. However, he did it as Super Why! After every correct match I was supposed to say "Great job Super Why!" and give him five.
Peg Letter T
Working on his peg letter... and of course, making a "REALLY long trumpet"
Building Letters
We built some Vs using Handwriting Without Tears pieces.
Getting the babies to the mommies in his dry erase center.
He used a paper towel tube to paint the V letter lacing page from my printables. He wasn't so sure at first, but then decided it was fun. He also used a little round sponge.
Vulture Cutting Strips
Using his training scissors to cut apart the vultures.
Spanish Habitat Page
We matched the baby vultures to his Spanish color nests this week. He's getting better!
Vulture Bottle Cap Letter Page
Matching the bottle cap letters, as Super Why, of course!
Letter V Sensory Bin
Using his handy scoopers to scoop noodles into our friend's hands.
While we were at it, we showed her the water beads. Always a big hit, even with adults.
Other Tot School Activities
Five for Five reading. These are the books from this week.
I set up a pattern with some bristle blocks for him.
Comparing his with mine. He had to make an adjustment, but was so proud of himself when they matched!
Helping me do a farm floor puzzle.
Playing some number dominoes at a dinner party.
Mazes with friends!
I LOVE sneaking in on him and finding him reading!
Calendar Time
He is starting to really like worksheets. This one is from Tracing Trails. I put it in a dry erase sleeve so he can redo it.
For more vulture ideas, check out my Vulture Pinterest Board