We are currently working on our Mommy and Me ABC units. This week we did the letter U and urchins. Honestly, urchins are kind of boring, so we did a lot of non-letter activities this week. Unless otherwise specified, all of the printables are from my Mommy and Me ABC Printables, which are free as we complete them (for a detailed list of all the materials in the printables, check out this post).
This was his desk setup. On the left is his magnetic calendar. His white board had some alphabet magnets, and his fridge phonics set. The shelf had some Us and some U books.
Letter Maze
Concentrating hard on his letter maze. He chose a purple Do-A-Dot marker to mark all of the U's connecting the little urchin to the big urchin.
Urchin Size Sorting
Play Dough
Letter U Sensory Bin
A friend and I split a package of Handy Scoopers. Xander had a great time using them in his alphabet bin!
Spanish Habitat Page
Xander outgrew his color and shape habitat pages a long time ago. However, in order to mix it up, and teach him something new, I converted this page to Spanish. While it was a little bit of a struggle for him, he got a few without any help! We will work our way up to him being able to do it all on his own!
To learn the colors in Spanish, he has been watching a Little Reader lesson I made.
Last week I wrote about how we are doing Five for Five reading. These are the books from this week. Bear's New Friend and Let's Draw were the big hits of the week!
Let's Draw (Sight Words Level 2)
Underground Homes
This week's floor puzzle was this great Super Why one I picked up at a consignment sale. He couldn't do the whole thing on his own, but had a great time helping me.
Rainforest Matching
Matching words, pictures, and Rainforest Toob figurines. You can find the files on this post.
I picked up a Jumbo Magnifier last week (Toys R Us has them cheaper). Xander had a great time investigating around the house!
Checking out the water beads before and after they finished growing.
Comparing the beads with and without water.
WorkbookI'm slowly trying to get Xander used to worksheets. This week we did this fun fireman sticker page from our Emergency Vehicle sticker book. He had to go more slowly than he would have liked, but he got all the stickers in the correct places.
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