Happy Easter!
We took a break from our regular school activities to have a spring/Easter week. Here's what we did instead.
As we do with any special occasion, we read a ton of Spring and Easter books!
Spring Frame
I picked up a wooden frame and some little wooden cutouts at the craft store and we made a spring frame together. Xander picked out the colors and placement. He is so proud to have the frame on the mantel.
Flower Shooting Game
I picked up some flower dry erase decals on clearance a while back (its a good thing they were cheap because they didn't stick worth a darn). Anyway, I wrote some numbers and random words on them. Then I would pose Xander a question, like "what is 5 and 1?" Then he would shoot the flower with the answer on it with a
Nerf gun. His aim was horrible, so I had him tell me which one he was shooting for. He LOVED the game! We'll definitely have to do other similar games in the future.
Easter Egg Fine Motor Math Game
I picked up these eggs on sticks and Parmesan cheese container at the dollar store. I gave Xander a die and had him roll to see how many eggs he needed to put in the container. He played it a few times this week, until he started breaking the eggs.
Easter Sensory Bin
Just some grass, eggs, and bugs made a super simple sensory bin.
Paint Roller Egg Craft
We recently got these great
paint rollers from Lakeshore Learning, so I figured they'd be great for an Easter craft. I got out some butcher paper and let him roll away! Then I cut the paper out in egg shapes.
Spring Pattern Blocks
Number Board Fun
This week Xander re-discovered his
number board. He had fun looking at numbers and making patterns. He even delayed eating blueberry turnovers until he was "done" playing with the number board. Hey, I'm happy for him to have whatever exposure to numbers he wants!
Abacus Work
Making stairs on the abacus.
Playstick Building
Xander really wanted to build a pyramid with his
Playsticks. I wasn't sure if he would have the patience to do it, but he did a wonderful job. I helped him with the initial spacing and then walked him through each step, but he did it all himself! You can tell from the picture how proud he was!
Easter Printables