Monday, May 12, 2014

Community Helpers Week

This was my last week of grad school (HOORAY!!!), so it kind of ended up being a weird school we for Xander.  Since we're doing May We Be Grateful activities, spending a week learning about and celebrating Community Helpers seemed perfect!
First, we read a bunch of books about community helpers.  

I also found this cool matching activity from Preschool Mom
We got out our magnetic dress up Joey and Xander had a good time turning him into various helpers (and super heros).
I got out our signs and vehicles so that we could talk about who drives each one.  To make it more fun, I cut felt into strips for roads.  Squares of felt and a little imagination served as buildings.  I also cut out a blue and a green blob for a park and a lake.  Xander liked setting up all of the signs around the roads.
Mail Carrier Thank You
Since we were learning about community helpers, I thought it would be a great time to express our gratitude to our mail carrier.  Xander decorated this card from PreschoolMom.  Then I wrote our note and he signed it.  We also made a birdseed ornament to go with it.  I stapled the two together and left it in the mailbox for her.
We're still slowly working our way through Right Start Math.  Here we are playing a game where I add and subtract popsicle sticks and he has to "guess" how many there are without seeing.
We're also working on All About Spelling.  Xander really seems to like it so far.  Here he is working on alphabetizing.
We also practiced making sentences with our Silly Sentences set.  He thought some of his sentences were hilarious!  I actually had to stop the activity because he would have wanted to make sentences all morning!
Fun and Games
We started out making Magna-Tile caves for some dinosaurs.  Then we ended up getting out the light box and it evolved into a Dino Disco Dance City.  I loved how long the activity held his attention span, even if I didn't love having to keep the city out in the family room for most of the week.
Grandpa introduced Xander to King on the Corner this week.  He had fun and it was great practice for ordering numbers, forwards and backwards.
Reading outside one evening.  I'm so grateful for this beautiful weather!
We took a trip to the local zoo.  Here he was being silly while we waited for the rain to end. 
Tot SchoolA Mom With a Lesson Plan

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