Thursday, August 26, 2021
Visual Discrimination Pattern Grids
Monday, August 23, 2021
Printable Squirrel Directions and Beginning Coding Game
My little guy LOVES the GPS and has begun asking me what direction we are going while driving in the car. He does pretty well with right and left and wants so badly to understand North, South, East and West. Since he has also shown a big interest in maps lately, I made this little squirrel game to help with directions. I chose woodland animals because fall is coming up and that should fit into our fall activities!
The game is simple, there are little printable animals, some obstacles, some treats and a playing grid. I made two compass roses, one with Right, Left, Forward, Backward and one with North, South, East and West, so we could work on either set of skills. I also made some little arrow cards, to do it without the words.
I place the squirrel somewhere on the outside of the grid and place an animal friend for him to go visit somewhere else. Then he has to give me directions to get the squirrel to his friend (or I could give him directions). The stump or pile of leaves can block the path and the pumpkin or apple can be treats to collect along the way.
To turn it into coding practice (probably when he gets a little older), I would have him use the arrows to put together all the directions and then we would follow them all out. You could have older kids write down all the directions (either with arrows or words) and then follow them to see if it works.
To make it more fun, and because I had them, I added our little squirrel and bear figurines as well as some acrylic leaves, apple and pumpkin (vase scatter).
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Composer of the Month
I was a hardcore math and science kid. That's the way my brain works. However, I want to make sure I give my kids some well-rounded experiences. As part of that, I decided to do an Artist of the Month and a Composer of the Month.
Each month will have the composer, where they are from (we're working on geography), some quick facts and we will listen to some of their works. I will also use outside books, YouTube videos and other resources (I included some of these links in the PDF I'm sharing). If I can find them, I'll print some simple sheet music too. Since I have a middle schooler and a 3 year old, I included a wide range of things.
General Resource About Composers
- Music and How It Works
- Because
- Lives of the Musicians: Good Times, Bad Times (and What the Neighbors Thought)
- Book About the Orchestra
- Welcome to the Symphony: A Musical Exploration of the Orchestra Using Beethoven's Symphony No. 5
- Allegro: A Musical Journey Through 11 Musical Masterpieces
- Help Your Kids with Music
- Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers About Music
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Art Activity for The Perfect Fit
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Visual Homeschool Pre-K Schedule
Monday, August 2, 2021
Pre-K Homeschool Choices
So I always struggle with what to call these posts. My kids have never fit nicely into a grade band and I've always just tried to do activities that fit their current skill level. Pre-K just seemed closest to his current abilities.
Pre-K Schedule
- Handwriting (2-3 times a week)
- Spelling (2-3 times a week)
- Math (2-4 times a week)
- Music (2-4 times a week)
- Heart Lessons (2-4 times a week)
- Bonus (as we have desire)
- Books, Books, Books!
- Board Games
- Learning Apps
- Science Activities
- Artist of the Month
- Composer of the Month
- Math Activities: this will be the bulk of our math! He loves math manipulatives like base ten blocks, math cubes and Cuisenaire rods. To give him more variety this year I ordered a Geoland Mirror Activity set and some Geoboards too.
- Cuisenaire Activities
- Occasional lessons from Kindergarten Math with Confidence (just the teacher's book) - a lot of this is too easy, but I am interested in the lessons on money and measuring. I think it might also provide some review "games" for us. I have no plans/expectations for how quickly we will move through it or how much of it we will actually do. When we feel ready (and if I like it), I'll move on to 1st Grade Math with Confidence.
- Some activity pages from Miquon Orange. I got a copy of this second hand and it has some great activity pages. Others will be much too hard for him. We'll use what I think he'll like and skip the rest.
- Apps: SplashLearn, Dragonbox Numbers and Dragonbox Big Numbers. - Archer likes these and they're great for building mathematical thinking.
Heart Lessons
- Books - Mostly I plan to read a bunch of books and talk about them. I put together a big list. Some we own, some we will buy (if I can narrow it down!) and some we will get from the library.
- Daniel Tiger - the creators do a great job of tackling emotions in a way kids can understand. We will play with the app, watch some shows (if I can get him to) and read some books.
Books, Books, Books
- Lift-the-Flap Telling Time
- Lift-the-Flap Addition and Subtraction
- Lift-the-Flap Measuring Things
- Life-the-Flap Math Shapes
- Questions and Answers About Music
- What Happens When You Eat?
- What are Germs?
- What is Symmetry in Nature?
- Punctuation Station
- Energy Animated (we loved Physics Animated)
- A World Full of Animal Stories: 50 Folk Tales and Legends - he's getting into maps, so I like that we can talk about the country each story is from.