Recently Xander said to me "Mom, Duplos are for little kids. Legos are for big kids, so we need to get some Legos." Guess my baby is growing up. I got him some Lego Juniors and some other "big kid" Legos because he really wanted the super hero ones. He has been doing great; still needs a lot of help, but getting better. I'm loving listening to him playing with his figurines!
He's still reading up a storm.
In bigger news, I just bought a house. It is definitely more scary doing it as a single mom than it was the first time I bought a house. I'm excited to be able to give him a home and a yard though. It is definitely a fixer-upper, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of before and after pictures. Maybe I'll even have a few DIY posts along the way! We'll wait to move until this summer since I just can't make it happen with my work schedule. Xander fluctuates between excited and apprehensive. He can't remember living anywhere else and is going to miss his Grandpa. I'm definitely hoping we find ourselves very happy in the new home!