Friday, April 23, 2021

Letter S - Sea Lion Week

These are our homeschool preschool activities for the Letter S and Sea Lion week. Archer was 35 months. You can see our full "curriculum" post here, but we will only use some activities each week. The majority of his time is still unstructured play. 
This was his shelf setup above his desk. I hung some bulletin board letters, a sign language card (from And Next Comes L) and his work from the week. The shelf had an Alphabet Reader, a Meet the Phonics Letter Reader, a peg letter and a wooden letter train car
There were his shelves for the week. I used Magnatiles to make an s on his white board and added some magnetic letters and fridge phonics. On top I have his Alphabet Soup Can, toy sea lion and his preschool basket.

Shelves on the left had Magna-Qubix and wedgitsShelves on the right had a some rhyming puzzles, some word puzzles, geometric solids, toddler magnets and a basket of cars.
Lacing letters.
Letter maze (free to print here).
Word puzzles
Tracing cards and line tracing (free to print here).

dot to dot (from

Painting an S with "rainbow" colors
Using some Osmo letters
Water beads in the water table.

See other Alphabet Posts:

Friday, April 16, 2021

Letter R - Rhinoceros Week

These are our homeschool preschool activities for the Letter R and Rhinoceros week. Archer was 35 months. You can see our full "curriculum" post here, but we will only use some activities each week. The majority of his time is still unstructured play. 
This was his shelf setup above his desk. I hung some bulletin board letters, a sign language card (from And Next Comes L) and his work from the week. The shelf had an Alphabet ReaderMeet the Phonics Letter Reader, a peg letter and a wooden letter train car

There were his shelves for the week. I used Magnatiles to make a R on his white board and added some magnetic letters and fridge phonics. On top I have his Alphabet Soup Can, a rhino and his preschool basket.

Shelves on the left had lacing letters, a wooden puzzle and his imaginets. Shelves on the right had a screw driver board, some rhyming puzzles, a pizza set, Koala Kapers, Magna-Qubix and a basket of cars.

Playdough with cookie cutters and a  letter stamper (similar to these) and see and stamps.  I got out his  alphabet dough mat, but he didn't feel like doing it.
Sorting the "baby" and "mommy" letters.
R Puzzles
Painting an R
Porcupine ring painting
dot to dot (from
Working on his screw driver board. Some of these are still a nice challenge for him.
Rhyming puzzles
We had a really nice day, so we used it for some water play!
Archer wanted to play with math cubes a lot this week.
Magna-Qubix on the light table
Numbering his bells.


See other Alphabet Posts:

Friday, April 9, 2021

Letter Q - Quail Week


These are our homeschool preschool activities for the Letter Q and Quail week. Archer was 35 months. You can see our full "curriculum" post here, but we will only use some activities each week. The majority of his time is still unstructured play. 

This was his shelf setup above his desk. I hung some bulletin board letters, a sign language card (from And Next Comes L) and his work from the week. The shelf had an Alphabet ReaderMeet the Phonics Letter Reader, a peg letter and a wooden letter train car

There were his shelves for the week. I used Magnatiles to make a Q on his white board and added some magnetic letters and fridge phonics. On top I have his Alphabet Soup Can and his preschool basket.

Shelves on the left had craft stick pattern cards, a positional word game, and a marble run. Shelves on the right had Little Bird, Big Hunger, a wooden puzzle, farm blocks, Wedgnetix and a basket of cars.
Letter maze (free to print here).
Tracing cards and line tracing (free to print here).
Lacing some Qs.
He was very intrigued by the paper cutter. We started using it for his Cut and Paste Phonics Hunt, but he ended up just cutting up a bunch of construction paper instead of finishing it.
Q-Tip painting
Building a Q with Cuisenaire Rods (template here)
Letter construction (From Tired Need Sleep)
Number tiles with some quail cards.
Craft stick pattern cards were a favorite of the week.

I don't know how many times he did this puzzle during the week!
Lots of Nugget climbing this week.
More puzzles

See other Alphabet Posts:
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