Here are the munchkin school activities we did this week. He has a unique range of skills, so we do an interesting mix of activities. Regardless, he LOVES school time.
Using his Build a Letter Templates and HWWT pieces. First he built the letters on the templates, then he built them by themselves.
Finding the Es in his Letter Maze
The E page from Printing Fun Workbook (I don't make him trace the letters, they're too small. He just likes the activities below).
Cut and Paste Phonics Hunt
Do a Letter E Cut and Past Phonics Hunt.
Doing a couple of pages from Raising Rockstars Kindergarten
"Helping" me hang his work on the wall. I LOVE Blu-Tack.
Thinking Skills
Getting pretty good at four piece puzzles. Might be time to graduate to six pieces.
I got him a new workbook, Brain Games Kids: Kindergarten. Because of the way the book is formatted, it is one we will go through together. I'm not having him write any answers. He just tells me or we talk about it. He LOVED this workbook (ok, so my kid is a little odd). The first time I showed it to him, I had to stop him at four pages, he wanted to keep going.
Usually I tear out his workbook pages, but since this one is bound and has answer keys. I decided to leave them in and use a page marker to keep track of where we are.
Reviewing "first," "second," and "third" with his sequencing puzzle.
I used the lacing page from the Mommy and Me ABCs and let Xander use some porcupine painters to decorate it. It started off really pretty... then it kind of got to be a yucky green.
We're still doing our Alphabet in Simple Science, and this week was E for Evaporate.
Solid, Liquid, and Gas
To go with the concept of evaporation, we went over solids, liquids, and gases. I started by reading him States of Matter which does a pretty good job of explaining them clearly. Then we went around the house and talked about whether things were solids, liquids, or gases. The bathroom had a lot of great liquids to explore (soap, lotion, mouthwash, toothpaste, etc).
Walk, Swim, or Fly
I grabbed a bunch of Xander's Toob Animals and set out some containers labeled walk, swim, and fly. He had a great time sorting the animals into their types of movements.
This week I set out some of his 3 Part Animal Cards and some of his Pets Toob. He had a great time matching the words to the cards and figurines.
Life Skills
One of the trays this week had washcloths for him to fold. He was very intrigued by the activity and did much better than I expected.
Preschool Backpack
Here is what was in this week's Preschool Backpack:
Letter A Build a Letter Templates and foam pieces (for review)
Letter A Write and Wipe Flashcards (for review)
Category Sorting Templates and Cards
Wooden Sequencing Puzzles
2 Books for him to read aloud
This Week's Work