Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tot School Curriculum for Color Themes & Organizer

Last week I posted about my Tot School Goals for Archer, as we start doing more formal activities.  As I was getting myself organized, I realized it would be helpful to gather a list of all of the materials I needed as we headed into Color Themes.  "Curriculum" is such a big word, but it does seem like the most convenient.

Archer will be about 15-18 months as we do our color themes. I'll come back and add to this list as needed

We have lots of books that teach colors, plus I'll probably get several from the library over the weeks.  (You can never read too many books!!) I plan to rotate them over the weeks. The three I listed are already Archer's favorites, so we will likely read these a lot!

***Update- I added in the readers because Archer LOVES them.  We just get two of each set out every week, although he has access to others on his shelves too.

Toys and Games
A lot of kids toys are brightly colored, so we will probably do a weekly toy bin in the theme color.  Here are some other color sorting toys we have that we will use along the way (although tot school color themes could definitely be done without them, so no need to rush out and buy a bunch of color sorting toys specifically).

Little Reader
Art/Sensory Play
Theoretically, I plan to do a different sort of sensory activity each week.  Art is also great fine motor practice! Some activities might require other things, but these are the basics.
  • Play dough (fondant cutters have been a huge hit!)
  • Markers, crayons, paint, Do a Dot Markers, etc.
  • Food coloring - I have both liquid and gel
  • Liquid water colors - I have not actually used these yet. They're supposed to be better for than food coloring for rice, pasta, playdough, etc.
Printable Organizer
To get myself ready, I made this Tot School Organizer. It let me organize each week by theme and provides a list of toys and books I need to gather. I also included my goals, so I make sure they're all covered.  There's a place to remind myself of things I needed to buy or prep, or check out from the library.

You're welcome to print and use it, if you find it helpful!

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