We recently wrapped out the purple week of our color themes. As with the boys, my goal is not for her to learn her colors. You can see my tot school goals here.
Juniper was 18 months
Juniper's little area on our wall. I put up her color poster was free from Isla Hearts Teaching on TPT. I put out some purple themed books for her. She mostly ignored them in favor of other books in our playroom.
She also used Do-a-Dot Markers and paint this week.
We've been starting to use Montessori 3 Part Vocabulary Cards with some color cards. This week she was able to mostly match the cards by the end of the week. She also enjoyed using the purple foods from our sorting food.
Playdough is used almost daily around here and purple is Juniper's current favorite dough color. We used some shape stampers and some shape cookie cutters because she has been very interested in shapes lately.

Purple pom poms in an ice cube tray for some one to one correspondence work.
Purple items on the light table. We mostly used acrylic blocks and magnetic tiles.

She also ended up doing some color sorting with these little translucent shape cups and dinos.
Lazy day playing in a purple sensory bin. It was just purple popcorn kernels I made years ago, but both younger kids enjoyed it.
Chatting with the little purple people from her sorting houses.
You can check out our other Color Theme posts here:
I love the purple activities! We need a light table. I’ve thought about getting one many times!
ReplyDeleteThis is one a friend ended up making for my oldest. Just a wooden box with some LED strips and a piece of plexiglass. If I had it to do over I'd probably add a little more light and a more opaque top. LED light strips are also so cheap now you could easily do the ones that change color with a remote!