Best Books is my series of posts that highlights books we find during our book challenge!
These are our finds from week 20.
(Note: We try to read a minimum of 28 books a week. The books we list here are our favorites that we found in each week, not necessarily our favorites overall. Some weeks we find some fantastic books, other weeks we read a lot of fluff.)
These are our finds from week 20.
(Note: We try to read a minimum of 28 books a week. The books we list here are our favorites that we found in each week, not necessarily our favorites overall. Some weeks we find some fantastic books, other weeks we read a lot of fluff.)
Xander's Favorite:
Pizza Soup by Fay Robinson
I never would have guessed this to be one of Xander's favorites when I picked it up at the library, but we ended up reading it three times in a row. It had fantastic cadence and rhymed, and featured one of Xander's favorite topics - food. I liked that it included a recipe in the back so you could actually make the soup they talk about in the book.
Boats Afloat by Shelley Rotner
Mommy's Favorite:
Dancing Feet! by Lindsey Craig
This was a cute book with creative illustrations. It features a lot of fun sounds and gave the reader clues as to which animal was coming next. It would probably be better for someone a bit older than Xander since he doesn't know what animal feet look like yet.
This was a cute book with creative illustrations. It features a lot of fun sounds and gave the reader clues as to which animal was coming next. It would probably be better for someone a bit older than Xander since he doesn't know what animal feet look like yet.
I added an Amazon Store to the blog. In it I included a shop for our favorite books and will be adding the books from the Best Books posts to it. I hope having them in one place will make it easier when looking for book suggestions.
Boats A Float Looks really interesting. I'll have to see if our library has it available at the library. Thank you for sharing.