Archer was 24 Months
We have been working on Shape Themes in Tot School. You can see the Shape Themes "Curriculum" post here. This week was pentagon and we did a light insect theme.
This is what Archer's desk area looked like. The posters are from The Learning Effect. The shelf included a couple Non-Fiction Sight Words books, a Meet the Sight Words book, an alphabet book, and a digraph reader. I also included a Mathstart Book. His artwork from the week is hanging as well.
This week's play dough included some pentagon cookie cutters and a pentagon stamp.
Coloring some pentagons. He usually doesn't have the patience to color all of them, but I give him opportunities to try. Maybe someday he will like coloring more! (Free to print here).
We used Do-a-Dot markers to fill in his dot art (Free to print here).
Decorating a pentagon. He used these vehicle stamps.
Tracing Pentagons. This is still done with Mommy (Free to print here).
Getting out SO MANY LETTERS. His set of classroom letters is currently one of his favorite toys (similar to these). I do a lot of re-sorting the alphabet!
Reading words with big brother.
More letters. He gets so mad when he can't carry all 26 at once.
Playing with his letter train. The kid loves letters, can you tell?
Playroom shelves include both theme related tot school activities and other toys, usually open ended. The goal is to work on things like fine motor skills, visual spacial skills, math and literacy (and keep him entertained). I have been trying to also include one of our toddler games, to get him more used to playing games with us.
The top of the shelf had Go Away Monster! and some pentagon fact cards. The shelves on the left had finger puppets, 2-part puzzles, a peg puzzle and a marble tree. Shelves on the right had sensory blocks, a magnet puzzle, a positional word game, insect vocabulary cards and toob insects, 2D/3D shape sort and a bin of cars with highway shape (from Making Learning Fun).
Big brother joined us for a few games of Go Away Monster! Sometimes Archer lasts the whole game and sometimes he plays most of it and then goes off and plays something else.
Finger puppets hadn't been out in a while, so Archer really enjoyed them (the first day).
This peg puzzle requires him to twist on the shapes, which adds a nice level of complexity for him. He's been sorting shapes for quite a while now.
Playing with his marble tree. This was a super cheap one I got off the internet, but I know they make bigger and nicer ones.
Wooden puzzles rarely hold his interest anymore, but he did enjoy this magnet one. I think maybe because where you put the pieces is blank and you really have to align them properly to get them in.
I made this positional word game (free to print) for a young friend of ours who loved cats. I had forgotten about it until I found it last week. Archer would read the cards to me and then we would take turns putting the cat where the card said. Xander joined sometimes, which makes Archer enjoy any activity even more.
I got out our Insects and Bugs Vocabulary cards and our Toob insects. He had a little trouble with the fly and the ant, but overall did a great job. He thought it was really funny if I pretended to be grossed out by the bugs.
I got out our geometric solids set and made signs for 2D and 3D. He still needed a lot of modeling, so we worked on it together.
Other Ideas for Pentagon Resources
I had wanted to get this set of Picasso Tiles before Hexagons and Pentagons, but it just didn't pan out. Maybe for the next kid! Magformers also makes a pentagon set.
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