Somehow this amazing, energetic, headstrong little boy I dreamed of for so long, is now two years old! I decided to take the week off from our Shape Themes and do a light birthday theme for the week.
I started with some birthday and party related books on his shelf. A couple are Meet the Sight Words readers, If you Give a Pig a Party, If You Give a Cat a Cupcake, a Non-Fiction Sight words reader, an Amazing Animals reader and Happy Pig Day.
He was thrilled to come down and see the Happy Birthday Sign (actually the day before his birthday, for Daddy's birthday).
I made a sensory bin with multicolored rice, flour filled balloons, prickly balls, bows, silicone cupcake liners and some candles. He ended up adding scoops and his rainbow wheel. This bin actually got a couple weeks of use (before I got tired of cleaning up rice, he would have happily kept it out longer). Both kids enjoyed the flour filled balloons.
We matched some birthday word vocabulary cards (Free here).
Helping make key lime pie for Daddy's birthday (hand squeezed key lime juice got spilled, sweetened condensed milk got spilled, the pie almost got cut prematurely, but happy memories were made).
Some candles and play dough kept him entertained for quite a while.
I got this size sorting activity from Homeschool Creations.
More size sorting and word puzzles from Miniature Masterminds
Shelves this week had lacing letters, two part puzzles, stacking domes, a shape/color gross motor game, shape sorting cupcakes, shape envelopes, Birthday Present Beginning Sound Cards, ice cream, a birthday cake set, some flexible road pieces and a bin of vehicles.
Lacing letters were the biggest hit of the week. He LOVED them. He laced them, carried them around, tried to put them on his train tracks. I have a feeling we will be getting these out pretty often in the coming weeks of Tot School.
I made this felt color/shapes gross motor game a while back, but added wooden dice (DIY template here). We only play with one die at a time. Now that he's older, we did things like tiptoeing or hopping to the next shape.
My little guy loves letters, so I made this beginning letter sound matching activity (Free here)
Loving his cupcakes!
I made this shape sorting mail set when Xander was little. I love that Archer gets to use it now.
Xander made some letters out of the flexible road pieces for Archer. He loved it! Maybe someday we will get enough to make even more letters at a time!
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