Monday, April 1, 2013

L for Lion

 Xander is 28 Months

We are currently working on our Mommy & Me ABC units.  This week was letter L and lions!  Unfortunately we did fewer trays than normal, but we still did plenty of Tot School Activities!  Unless otherwise specified, all of the printables are from my Mommy & Me ABC Printables, which are free as we complete them (for a detailed list of all the materials in the printables, check out this post).

 His white board had some a lion magnet, alphabet magnets, and his fridge phonics set.  His shelf had some L's, some toy lions, and some lion books.  His favorite book was The Lion and the Mouse.

Letter K Alphabet Sensory Bin

 Letter L and Lion Puzzles
Pattern Blocks
We used the Lion page from his Scholastic Zoo Template and some magnetic pattern blocks (I don't like the blocks that came with the Scholastic set as well).  He does a good job finding the correct pieces but gets frustrated lining them all up properly.
  Puppet Fun

Building Letters
We made an L out of Dado squares.
 Of course we (I) had to build other things too...
 L/Lion Art
We did some stamping with our uppercase and lowercase stamp and washable stamp pads.  He also added some foam stickers and did some coloring with Twistable Crayons.
We also made a lion handprint craft.
Painting an L (from 1+1+1=1)

Other Tot School Activities
Watching Blue Planet on Netflix while playing with his Baby Sea Life Toob.  He was playing with the baby sea turtle while we watched the sea turtles lay eggs on the movie.
Patiently waiting for the laminator to finish.  He likes to pull the sheets out for me when I am working on new Tot School materials.
Xander was really into playing with his magnet wands this week.  He went around the house seeing what would stick.  He also did some "fishing" in alphabet letters.  On the right you can see where I gave him a container with pieces of pipe cleaner to move around.
Doing "homework" with Mommy.
Bath time fun with alphabet letters.  He was upset I hadn't gotten out all of the letters so we couldn't spell his name.

Tot School


  1. I love your printables -- and that handprint Lion is awesome :) I haven't thought to use simple materials to build our letter of the week -- I will have to :)

  2. Super cute ideas! Love the handprint lion! Featuring this tomorrow on the Sunday Showcase!

  3. You have such great ideas! I loved browsing your blog. I would love for you to join our link up on Thursdays:
    Thanks and have a wonderful day!


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