Monday, March 12, 2012

Color Themes - Black

Xander is 16 Months

This week's color was black.  I have to admit, it was not our best week for Color Themes.  Part of it was that I didn't feel well and I had an exam, a big paper, and a ton of scholarship stuff due this week, but it was mostly that black is kind of a boring color.

I did have a bin of black items, but somehow I forgot to take the picture.  It had crafting pom poms, painted wooden balls and spools, a comb, socks, beads, cars, and a toy motorcycle.

Xander's favorite activity of the week was play dough.  I wasn't sure I would be able to get a rich black if I made it myself, so I bought it.  I have to say, I much prefer homemade play dough.  The store bough kind flakes so much more!  He still had a great time smooshing and cutting.

 We wrote on our Crayola Dry Erase Activity Center with black markers.  He is always pointing to this thing, wanting me to get it out.

He also ate some black olives.  Amazing how kids figure out to put them on their fingers without being shown!

Of course we also did our regular color theme activities.  We read our color related books, played with our Leap Frog Maracas, and did some flash cards.  As I mentioned in a recent post, Xander has been obsessed with Little Reader lately, so we have been doing our flash cards on there most of the time.

You can also download our English and Spanish Color Books.

One of our "trays" this week wasn't really a tray.  I got out the white erase board and a bunch of Cars magnets for Xander to practice putting on.  A few weeks ago we had done magnets on a cookie sheet, but these were much harder for him to grasp because they are so flat.  It also took him a little while to figure out that they would only stick on the back, not the colored side.

This week's puzzle was a safari themed one.  I like it because the names of the animals are printed in their slots.

This is the tray that surprised me the most.  I set out some large beads (similar to these) and a shoelace.  The first day I showed Xander how to line up the lace with the hole and push it through.  He loved grabbing the end of the lace and pulling it through.  What impressed me was his persistence with this activity by himself. In fact, he was able to do it unassisted more than a few times.  He also really enjoyed taking the beads off after I helped him string them.

"Helping" Mommy make eggs.

"Helping" Mommy make cookies later that day.

Tot School

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