Oh, Blue Week! What a relief after the past couple colors. Blue is just an easier color when you have a little boy. We have so many more activities for this color!
This week he was really into writing on his Crayola Dry Erase Board. He has always liked it, but this week he wanted to sit at it for long periods of time.
Blue play dough. First time using cookie cutters.
Playing with the blue boat from his LeapFrog Wash and Go Magnet Set.
Coloring with blue markers... he may have attempted to eat them.
Blue Do-A-Dot Paints
Putting some rings on the pole from his Rainbow Stacker.
No reason to sit down to do stickers.
We have also been reading some books about colors.
Since we are doing color themes, one of his trays was replaced by a bin of blue items.
One of the trays last week had his Melissa and Doug Rainbow Stacker. He used to love it when he was little, but he hasn't seen it in a while. He likes putting the rings on, but still needs help.
Another tray had skill coins (find a post on them here). I only put out the "coins" for the colors we have done in our color weeks. He really impressed me, both in his skill level, and in his patience for the activity. He also surprised me in that he would transfer coins he picked up with his left hand to his right. He did much better with the activity if I held the bank still.
He seems to like puzzles better on his desk.
Just in case you're wondering, my son is a normal 1 year old. Our tot trays don't always stay so neat. Nor are they always used one at a time...
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