Whenever I go to Target I take a quick stroll through their dollar section, looking for anything I can use on our Baby Trays. A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to stumble upon some great flash cards. While they won't be used on our trays, I have trouble finding flash cards that I like, so I was very happy with the find. Since Xander is so young, I try to avoid abstract cartoons on flash cards. I like accurate representations of whatever it is I am trying to teach him. I think showing him a picture of a cartoon cat and expecting him to understand that I mean the real live animal is a bit confusing. Anyway, I found some great sets with photographs and realistic depictions.
We started out with the landmarks set. I have been showing him five cards, three times a day. They have become his absolute favorite flash cards. He is more attentive with these than with his word flash cards. If I am not careful about where I put them, he likes to find them and play with them. On the back of each card is a description of the landmark, and a map of its location in the world. Those will be nice references for the future, but right now we are just doing the names.
When we have made our way through all of the landmarks, we have sets of wild animals, insects, and US presidents. So nice to have great sets that I didn't have to make myself! And for only a dollar each!
We love love love those flashcards. Oh my goodness I go crazy at target whenever they have that stuff. I bought my daughter the workbooks also...even if she can't use them now I don't want to take the chance that they aren't going to be there next year LOL. At a $1.oo a piece how could you go wrong? The quality is pretty good also.