Friday, July 17, 2020

Science Research Journal

For our year of homeschooling 5th grade, I have been writing units based on the Next Generation Science Standards (you can see them here). However, these units will not take the entire year. Instead, I plan on doing about one a month and having Xander do some research in between.  Enter, the student led Science Research Journal.

The idea is that Xander will brainstorm a bunch of science related topics he is interested in learning more about. He will pick one at a time, locate resources to learn more, do the research and take notes and then pick a format in which to share what he learns.

Pages Included
  • Brainstorm Page
  • Guiding Questions
  • Notes pages
  • Sharing Ideas
I bound our pages with my Pro-Click binding punch and a reusable spines, but you could easily put these into a three ring binder. Since I anticipate he will choose to do a lot of his research online, this notebook will primarily be used for the brainstorm and guiding questions pages. Therefore, I will probably combine it with the unit materials and have one science notebook for all of it.

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