It seems we have hit that time of year when everyone is posting Christmas lists, so I figured it was time I make one for Xander. Here are some of the things on his list (in addition to some Thomas trains that I won't be listing out). I also included some items that we own and love for anyone looking to for ideas for their own lists.
Melissa and Doug Stretch and Match Geoboards
Melissa and Doug Wooden Doorbell House
Learning Resources Creative Color Cubes
Educational Insights Design and Drill Activity Center
Zoobs Junior
Foam Blocks
Learning Toys We Have and Love
Hohner Kids Xylophone
Candy Construction (Xander loves these, and so does my 22 year old brother)
Automoblox (ours are from a consignment sale)
Melissa and Doug Wooden Blocks (which of course become tunnels for Trains)
Wooden Cutting Food
Chunky Puzzles
Melissa and Doug Ice Cream Parlor Set
Melissa and Doug Pizza Set
Big Button Fun
Play Dough Alphabet Stampers
Bear Stays Up For Christmas (We love this whole series)
Polar Express (How I wish my mom would have kept our copy)
Llama Llama Holiday Drama
LeapFrog Talking Words Factory
Winter (We love Acorn Books!)
Christmas (Also Acorn)
Books and Movies We Have and Love
Thomas and Friends: On Track with Phonics (Xander loves how much he can read)
Meet the Sight Words Box Sets (we have all three)
Your Baby Can Discover (Still some of Xander's favorite movies!)
Your Child Can Read
Crayola Twistables Crayons
Dry Erase Books
Coloring Books
Do-A-Dot Art Set: Brilliant Colors
Art Supplies We Have and Love
Dry Erase Crayons
Pip Squeaks
Art Smock with Sleeves
Love this list! I'm totally going to keep a bunch of these in mind for Henry's birthday in a couple months.