Birthday Week
Xander is 24 Months
With Halloween and Xander's birthday being last week, we planned a relatively light Tot School week. He really seemed to like the activities we did though.
Birthday Words
This tray had some 3 part cards of birthday words (which you can download here or from the Printables Page). I also made a Little Reader lesson you can download here.
Food/Friend Sorting
I got this sorting activity from 1+1+1=1. He thought it was funny to talk about the friends. He thought the one little boy was Little Boy Blue from Super Why.
Thomas Memory Game
I made Xander a new set of memory games (I will be sharing them later this week). He LOVED the Thomas theme. I had trouble holding him to one or two games at a time.
I made Xander a new set of memory games (I will be sharing them later this week). He LOVED the Thomas theme. I had trouble holding him to one or two games at a time.
Candle Counting
This tray was the favorite, by far! It had a set of silicone baking cups, some candles, and 0-5 number tiles. I would put a number tile in front of each baking cup for him to put the corresponding number of candles in.
This tray was the favorite, by far! It had a set of silicone baking cups, some candles, and 0-5 number tiles. I would put a number tile in front of each baking cup for him to put the corresponding number of candles in.
He kept putting the candle to his head and saying "umbrella."
Balloon Size Sort
This balloon size sorting activity was from Homeschool Creations. There were too many for him to sort on his own, but he had fun doing it with my help.
Birthday Color Match
This activity was from HSPrintables. He had a good time matching the colors on the clothespins to the wheels. He thought it looked like a sun.
This was Xander's Super Why inspired costume. I couldn't find a Super Why costume small enough, so I ordered the personalize shirt from Etsy and made the cape and mask to match. Even though he didn't get to go trick or treating (Mommy had class late that night), he got to wear it to a party at the children's museum and to a day care party.
My baby turned two last week! We had a wonderful day, and I will do a separate post with recaps.
Playing with some interchangeable vehicles from IKEA and his beginner pattern blocks.
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