Monday, October 22, 2012

D for Dolphin Week 2

Xander is 23 Months

We are currently working on our Mommy & Me ABC units.  This was our second week of the letter D and dolphins.  You can see last week's post here. Unless otherwise specified, all of the dolphin printables are from my Mommy & Me ABC Printables, which are free as we complete them.

 His white board had some dolphin cut outs , some alphabet magnets, and his fridge phonics set.  His shelf had a fabric D, the D from our floor tiles, a D minibook, the dolphin from his toob, his peg letter D, and the dolphin from his alphabet zoo.  On the wall I have his two dolphin crafts and some flashcards from 1+1+1=1.
The book bin was overflowing with dolphin books and books about the letter D.

Bottle Cap Letters
This was Xander's go to activity this week.  He did a pretty good job matching the bottle caps letters to the page.  For some reason he kept calling them "numbers" instead of letters, but I was encouraged by how often he wanted to match them.  

Dolphin Number Cards
Since we forgot about this tray last week, I left it out this week.  He still hasn't completely grasped the concept of matching numerals to quantity (we started on quantity and are now adding in numerals).  I know he will get it eventually.

Fall Words
This week we used both the Fall Words sets.  It is so funny to see how attached he gets to some of the words.  Squirrel and scarecrow are definitely his favorites.  (You can download them by clicking the pictures below, just please link back to me if you post about them.)
Play Dough
The play dough trays are always a big hit!  It had his  letter D dough stamper, a D cookie cutter, a dolphin cookie cutter, a play dough mat, and some dough.

I didn't get a picture of all of our puzzles, but here are some.  The drum one is from his A to Z Puzzles and the dolphin is from a Discovery Toys set I got on consignment.

As always, we did some stamping with our uppercase and lowercase stamp and washable stamp pads.
Then he decided he wanted his fall stampers (Fall LeavesFall Pumpkins).

Tracing between the mommy and baby dolphins in his activity center.

"Swimming" with his dolphins

Coffee Filter Dolphin Craft
He had a blast doing this dolphin craft. 

Cheesin' for the camera.
For more dolphin ideas you can check out my Dolphin Pinterest Board.  (I add to the boards even after we finish the animal).

Tot School


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