Xander is 22 Months
We are currently working on our Mommy & Me ABC units. This week we did the letter C. Since he was sick last week, the upper and lowercase Cs look the same, and we do not have that many camel activities, we will only be doing one week on this letter.
His white board had some camel cut outs (now posted in the printables), some alphabet magnets, and his fridge phonics set. His shelf had a fabric C, the C from our floor tiles, a C minibook, sandpaper letters, the camel from his toobs, his peg letter B, and the camel from his alphabet zoo
The book bin was a little light this week. We had a couple of general alphabet books, All About C, and Camels.
Tracing between the mommy and baby camels in his activity center.
Using his training scissors to cut apart the camels.
Bottle Cap Matching
This week went much better than our previous attempts at this activity! He did a pretty good job matching the bottle caps letters to the page. L and Y were the only ones to really give him trouble. I hope this continues to enjoy it.
Camel Size Sorting

Color and Shape Oasis
Since we condensed to one week, I put both his Color and Shape Oasis pages into one sheet protector. That way he could match both the colors and shapes. He is definitely much better at matching the colors.

Play Dough Stamping
The play dough trays are always a big hit! It had his letter C dough stamper, a C cookie cutter, a camel cookie cutter, a play dough mat (in the Mommy & Me ABC printables), and some dough.
We did some more stamping with our uppercase and lowercase stamp and washable stamp pads.
Sensory Bin
Alphabet Pegs
I am so happy with our A-Z Pegs. He started out putting the pegs in the C and then ended up building towers.
Little Reader
Even though I don't always write about it, Xander still LOVES his Little Reader lessons. We have also been doing Little Math on my laptop during breakfast. He always asks for "more numbers" even though he doesn't always pay super close attention.
Xander went digging in the closet and found the 4th of July folder, insisting that we do his 3 Part Cards. I was surprised at how many of the vocabulary words he remembered!
For more camel ideas you can check out my Camel Pinterest Board. (I add to the boards even after we finish the animal).
Some bulletin board letters and some printables made into lacing cards. (The strings are from Oriental Trading). He is started to be able to lace on his own, if I hold the card for him.
This box had a punch of puzzles. Some are in the printables and some I purchased. The candy one is from his A to Z Puzzles. The purple wooden camels are from his Who Lives Here game.
CuttingUsing his training scissors to cut apart the camels.
This week went much better than our previous attempts at this activity! He did a pretty good job matching the bottle caps letters to the page. L and Y were the only ones to really give him trouble. I hope this continues to enjoy it.
Camel Size Sorting
Color and Shape Oasis
Since we condensed to one week, I put both his Color and Shape Oasis pages into one sheet protector. That way he could match both the colors and shapes. He is definitely much better at matching the colors.
The play dough trays are always a big hit! It had his letter C dough stamper, a C cookie cutter, a camel cookie cutter, a play dough mat (in the Mommy & Me ABC printables), and some dough.
We did some more stamping with our uppercase and lowercase stamp and washable stamp pads.
We added some letter C stickers. Then he wanted some ball stickers.
Alphabet Pegs
I am so happy with our A-Z Pegs. He started out putting the pegs in the C and then ended up building towers.
Little Reader
Even though I don't always write about it, Xander still LOVES his Little Reader lessons. We have also been doing Little Math on my laptop during breakfast. He always asks for "more numbers" even though he doesn't always pay super close attention.
Xander went digging in the closet and found the 4th of July folder, insisting that we do his 3 Part Cards. I was surprised at how many of the vocabulary words he remembered!
For more camel ideas you can check out my Camel Pinterest Board. (I add to the boards even after we finish the animal).
Are you pretty happy with those scissors? The reviews are so-so but I like the concept. My son is 15 months old so I'm looking for a good first pair.
ReplyDeleteYes, I guess I would say I am happy with the scissors. He still isn't good at cutting by any means, but I like that they spring open for him. It is hard enough for him to coordinate closing the scissors on the papers, let alone opening the scissors by himself. Also, I think the opening is just hard for little hands. However, he is barely ready for them now, I know he wouldn't have been six months ago. Regardless, we use them with extreme supervision, because he has yet to realize they can be dangerous. We will keep practicing because he loves them so much. I also want to find some play dough scissors to help him practice safely.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback! I'll keep them in mind for the future.