Best Books
Best Books is my series of posts that highlights books we find during our book challenge!
These are our finds from week 28.
(Note: We try to read a minimum of 28 books a week. The books we list here are our favorites that we found in each week, not necessarily our favorites overall. Some weeks we find some fantastic books, other weeks we read a lot of fluff.)
Xander's Favorite:
That's Not My Lion by Fiona Watt
We rarely pick up board books from the library, but I grabbed this one on a whim. Xander absolutely loved it. We had to read it 5 times in a row, and then he took it to his Granpa. Basically it is a super short story about why different lions are not the right ones. It has different textures to feel also. We are big fans of this series.
Mommy's Favorites:
This book has a bit more history as to why it is my favorite. When I was really young there was this story that my grandmother read me from a Highlights magazine. I had loved it so much that she put it in plastic and had to read it to me constantly when I went to visit (only Grandchild and first girl in a family of all boys, I was
Book Store:
I added an Amazon Store to the blog. In it I included a shop for our favorite books and will be adding the books from the Best Books posts to it. I hope having them in one place will make it easier when looking for book suggestions.
How neat that you found your own favorite story and can share it now with your son. We loved Moonbear series when my daughter was younger, and she still likes to reread a few of them we have at home.