Saturday, July 7, 2012

Best Books

Best Books

Best Books is my series of posts that highlights books we find during our book challenge!
These are our finds from week 27.

(Note:  We try to read a minimum of 28 books a week.  The books we list here are our favorites that we found in each week, not necessarily our favorites overall.  Some weeks we find some fantastic books, other weeks we read a lot of fluff.)

Xander's Favorite:

If You're Happy and You Know It: Jungle Edition by James Warhola

This adorable book was a new twist on the classic song.  All of the actions had to do with things that animals would do (scratch your fur, flap your wings).  It also had cute illustrations to go with.  Xander had fun stomping his feet and dancing around with me.

Mommy's Favorites:

Look Once Look Again: At the Farm by David M. Schwartz

This book was another great library find.  First it shows a picture of some animal part zoomed in really close with a clue as to what it is.  Then it shows the whole animal and gives a description.  For example, it shows a duckling's bill and eye tooth, and then the next page shows the whole duckling.  Xander was a little young to guess, but he liked pointing to the animals.  It is definitely a book I will keep in mind for when he gets older.  It adds an interesting perspective to animals.

  Book Store:
I added an Amazon Store to the blog.  In it I included a shop for our favorite books and will be adding the books from the Best Books posts to it.  I hope having them in one place will make it easier when looking for book suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. I miss those times of nursery rhymes! Still remember my now 5 year old clapping to If You Are Happy song! Thanks for joining WMCIR!


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