While we are slowly working our way through some purchased curriculum this year, I decided to also add in some themed activities that either go with the seasons/holidays or go with Archer's interests. This summer he took a huge interest in maps, so I found some materials and we added in a lot of map related activities. Here is some of what we did.
I got this puzzle out on a whim this summer. Archer ended up loving it. The first time through he needed a lot of help, then he started doing it on his on, frequently.
We found some continent puzzles at Books a Million and I could not resist when he asked for them. He chooses to get them out frequently and is learning lots of country names.
This floor puzzle is also a big hit.
We read several book on maps and our world, including some readers.
The Scrambled States of America is a favorite!
We played this Following Directions game to practice right and left and North, South, East and West. We also played a game where he told me to move forward/backward/left/right to move me around the house.
He was very into his WaytoPlay roads for over a week, so I used dry erase notecards and some number erasers (Target dollar spot) to make some equations. He used a little dump truck to drive numbers to their places.
His Building Site game was the closest we had to a "map" game.
I found this great map unit from Keeping My Kinders Busy. We did a lot of the pages slowly over the course of the month and Archer really enjoyed them.
We also got this great interactive map (although for some reason Iowa has potatoes instead of corn).
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