These are our homeschool preschool activities for the Letter O and Ostriches week. Archer was 33 months. You can see our full "curriculum" post here, but we will only use some activities each week. The majority of his time is still unstructured play. This week he was not so into schoolwork, so we didn't do as much.
This was his shelf setup above his desk. I hung some bulletin board letters and his work from the week. The shelf had a letter construction capital and lowercase letters, an Alphabet Reader, a Meet the Phonics Letter Reader and a wooden letter train car.
I'm trying to include readers to read together, as well as books about the week's letter or animal. We had an "o" Book, a First Little Readers book, and a non-fiction sight words reader.
There were his shelves for the week. I used Magnatiles to make an O on his white board and added some magnetic letters and fridge phonics. On top I have his Alphabet Soup Can and his preschool basket.
Shelves on the left had Little Bird, Big Hunger, Cone-Zilla, a wooden fraction cube, geometric shapes and a safari truck. Shelves on the right had a puzzle, Magna Quibix, his clock, an ice cream play set, crystal builders and a basket of cars.
Letter O and Ostrich Puzzles
Ostrich number cards and number tiles.
Letter lacing with some laminated bulletin board letters.
Letter templates (From Tired Need Sleep)
Building an O with Cuisenaire Rods (template here)
I found a little printable workbook I bought when Xander was little. Archer had fun filling in the missing numbers.
We don't really go through his Toddler Time workbook together anymore, but he does occasionally look through it himself.
Playing Little Bird, Big Hunger. He liked it so much we left it out on the shelves another week.
Crystal builders and Magna Magna Quibix on the on the light table were big hits this week.

Playing Pancake Pileup.
He's been playing Don't Break the Ice every time we're in the basement lately.

So ConeZilla is not really a toddler game. However, I bought it because I knew Archer would love putting the numbers in order. Plus, the rest of us can play according to the rules.
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