I know it is a little ways off, but I am getting so excited about Halloween homeschool activities! recently posted about some of the great Educational Halloween books. Another activity we plan to do for Halloween homeschool is play some board games (I love having a theme). I love board games, both for their educational value and for the family bonding time. Here are some ideas if you're looking to play some Halloween themed board games too!
- Recommended age: 3+
- Everyone has a room board and draws tiles to complete their room. If you draw a monster, you yell "Go Away, Monster!" and banish it.
- This game is for very young kids. Archer has been playing since about 24 months. I included it for anyone else trying to work a toddler into game time, but would not recommend it solely for older kids. It is too simple.
- Recommended age: 4+
- This is a cooperative memory game where players are trying to scare away monsters. Archer is still too young, but some reviewers said they play with 3 year olds.
- Recommended age: 5+
- This is a competitive tile laying strategy game where you build monsters. If your kiddo
Ghost Fighting Treasure Hunters
- Recommended age: 8+ (Its cooperative so could definitely go lower)
- Another cooperative family favorite. There are four friends trying to retrieve treasure from a ghost infested house. You have to work together to get all of the treasure out before the house becomes too many Hauntings appear. We like that it has various levels of difficulty, so we can adjust depending on who is playing or how brave we're feeling. There is also an expansion available now.
- Recommended age: 6+ (Its cooperative, so could probably go lower)
- A cooperative strategy game where everyone works together to save the kingdom from a dark spell. Components are cute and the reviews are great. I didn't discover this game until recently, so it is on my list to get when Archer is a little older.
- Recommended age: 7+
- A game with a unique mechanic, in this game you have little "manor" boxes that you have to shake to get objects into the correct rooms. Objects include snakes, eyeballs and spikers.
- Recommended age: 8+ (I think this seems a little high, younger players could play with the group of Shadowlings)
- A fun game to play in the dark. In this game multiple players move the cute little Shadowlings and another player moves the lantern trying to catch them. My family enjoys it, however, it does have to be fairly dark and you do have to trust your fellow players, it would be relatively easy to cheat.
- Recommended age: 8+
- Fluxx games are card games where the rules and objective constantly change, depending on what has been played. Because of the changing rules, it sometimes takes 10 minutes and sometimes 40 or more. This version uses classic horror movie monsters for the theme.
- Recommended age: 8+
- A ghost themed dexterity game where players race to grab the correct object. Since it can play up to 8, it would be good for bigger families or small parties. There are also a couple of expansions.
- Recommended age: 14+ (my 9 year old plays easily)
- This is a competitive potion creation game that has a nice tactile component. Your "ingredients" are different colored marbles you collect to make your potions. Once you complete your recipe, you can use those potions to help you in the game. How you select your marbles from the little rack can also cause "explosions" letting you take more ingredients. When I first got this for Xander, he wasn't all that interested. Then we played once, and it became his favorite game.
- Recommended Age: 10+
- This is a resource-delivery strategy game, where players are witches, druids or fairies. It is supposed to be a little bit "heavier" of a game, but is reviewed well. We have it on our list of games to try, but I wouldn't choose it if your family does not play a lot of games together.
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