I was always one of those moms that was adamant about my child not watching television until at least two years old. YBCR changed our minds about that. Xander loves them, and I feel he is benefiting. He still won't be watching broadcast tv (ever?), if I can help it.
Anyway, a few weeks ago I ordered him Your Baby Can Discover, a set made by the YBCR people. I watched a few before showing them to him, and I really like them. Madelynn watched with me, and they really held her interest as well. There are 6 discs that teach pitch, numbers, reading, polygons, in depth colors, patterns, etc. My goal is to have him watch one every other day, for about a month per disc. The alternate days I plan on showing Baby Signing Time. Maybe Trebellina instead of either, about once a week.
Those were the easy decisions. What has been causing me a lot of stress is what to do about reading videos. Xander has about a week and a half left on his final YBCR disc. I don't know where to go from there. The same company makes Your Child Can Read, which I intend to purchase eventually. However, I think it might be too early for that yet. Phrases are longer, shown faster, and repeated less often. I have contemplated the Preschool Prep Sight Words discs, but am worried they will bore him. From what I can tell, they are incredibly repetitive (to the point I might go crazy if I have to listen). I would love to try them before buying them, just to see his opinion. Instead, I may just end up flashing him the Dolche and sight words, which would get in more right brain learning anyway.
I have watched video clips of Monkisee, but feel like the ratio of words to accompanying video is too low. I watched some clips of 2020Kids Sight Words, and it just kind of seemed weird to me. Leapfrog has some cute videos, but they are plot based, so I would like to delay them until Xander is a bit older. I have also thought about purchasing YBCR in Spanish, intended for native speakers. It would give him good reading exposure, but none in English (other than LR and our flash cards). I tried getting Your Baby Can Speak Spanish, by the same company, but it was glitchy and I didn't like the presentation much, so I returned it. We will probably end up doing Boca Beth for Spanish, as well as custom creating Spanish lessons into LR once we are done with the English curriculum. Maybe the decision of a replacement for YBCR shouldn't cause me to fret for weeks, but I really want to avoid sitting Xander in front of crap for 20 min every day. I only get one babyhood with him, and I don't want to waste any of it.
Thanks for your imput on YBCD. I bought it and I really like it (although I don't like the fast zooming between scenes). I also bought YCCR and I have the same problem with quick moving scenes but my little one seems to enjoy it. Did you ever find another good reading program for your son?
Nope. We pretty much stuck with YBCR and YCCR. He did really like Sparkabilities. Then we moved on to Super Why on Netflix.