Players: 2-3
Play Time: 20 min
Ages: 5+
Video Overview:
I will start off by saying these are definitely "gameschool" games rather than regular card games. They feel math-y and would not be played for a regular family game night. That being said, if my son gets to pick a math game, he will almost always pick one of these.
The gameplay is super simple, letting kids focus on the numbers. I think they're great for kiddos practicing multiple and in the pre-multiplication stage. My son is only in 2nd grade math and we haven't even thought about multiplication yet, so I think these will be good for the next couple of years of homeschool.
Because of where he is in ability, we decided to skip Jump 1 and Jump 2. I purchased Jump 3, which I feel was a great place for him to start. We won Jump 5 in a giveaway, which was great. However, since multiples of 5 are so easy, we probably would have preferred Jump 4 or Jump 6, which are both on our wishlist (and hopefully 7, 8 and 9 as those become available).
Check out my board game section of the blog:
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