Three months?!? Time is flying with our little one (and she sure makes blogging more difficult 😂). I thought I'd do a quick update on her "learning activities." She definitely likes stimulation and freedom to explore, getting fussy if she has to go too long without it.
While I read How Smart is Your Baby by Glenn Doman, and thought it was worth reading, I decided not to follow his exact protocol. It was just a little too intense for us. Instead, we're focusing on lots of face time, chatting with her and letting her explore her body and world.
I try avoid baby holders that limit her movement. Instead I try to put her in her crib/pack n play, on a mat on the floor or, if we are outside, in a wagon.
Juniper spends lots of time on this play mat. We have a Montessori mobile for her that she likes occasionally, but she REALLY likes her baby gym. She enjoys swatting at the toys and trying to grab the ring. I often set up infant stimulation cards or a mirror next to her so she has something to do if she gets tired.
We still do try to do tummy time or the crawling track. She's not a huge fan, so I don't force her if she's unhappy.
I try to also do a lot of physical stimulation with her to get her used to her body and where it is in space as well as get her vestibular system going. I give her little baby massages. I sing head, shoulders, knees and toes while touching the appropriate areas on her. I will help her slowly roll from side to side or tilt up and back. I will also hold her in front of me and slowly move her side to side, up and down or in and out.
She LOVES chatting with us and big brother likes it too. We work on turn-taking in "conversation" by giving a pause after we talk to allow her time to vocalize. All of us enjoy the back and forth wit her, particularly when we are rewarded with big gummy smiles.
We often use toys to work on eye tracking skills. She particularly likes musical instruments and will do a great job following them back and forth. While I am so excited that she's good at tracking now, I am still holding off a while before we start teaching her to read. I want to make sure her eyes are ready!
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