Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Ocean Themed Math Printables

It has been a little while since I've been able to make new materials. I enjoy doing it and Archer enjoys new things to do, so it is a win win. Recently, I made these ocean themed math printables.

Elementary math
Greater Than Less Than Bubbles. I used a wet erase marker to write numbers on some sea life pony beads. I'd randomly have him draw two and then put them in the bubbles to make the inequality correct.

Digging "starfish" out of therapy putty to make a graph and answer question. 
Money adding practice sheet. I found these adorable little buckets on clearance at the craft store. I put various amounts of coins in each one for him to sort and add.
Pattern making. I used the same star pony beads to have him make patterns on the seaweed.


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