Wednesday, January 30, 2019

8 Month Baby Shelves

With Archer being more mobile and active, I've found that he likes to have more options on his shelves than before.  Here is our shelf setup for the last couple of weeks.
The picture on the right shows what is on top.  We have our two folders for learning to read, one in English and one in Spanish.  We have one set of dot cards for learning quantities.  I also have one math reader in Spanish.  It is part of a set (also available in English), and my goal is to read it daily throughout the week before switching to another.

The left side of the shelves has our Rollipop ball ramp.  Archer has really been enjoying this.  He has learned to put the balls on the ramp and watch them go down.  He's not tall enough to put them in the top, but he can put them in the middle just fine. Sometimes, he gets a bit too enthusiastic and pulls the whole thing over on himself, though.  Luckily, it is pretty light.
 The top right has an art tray with his Tobbles set.  He doesn't actually build with them, yet, but he loves to knock over towers!  
 The middle shelf has both Spike the Hedgehog and his squishy blocks.  I'm not sure why I don't have tons of pictures of Archer with the little hedgehog spikes, because he was always crawling around with them in his hands or sucking on them.  He likes to pull them out of the hedgehog.  He also thought picking them up and dropping them on his foam steps was hilarious.
 The bottom right shelf had the same  Touch and Feel puzzle from last month, in addition to this Hide and Seek Farm, which as little doors to open and magnetic animals inside. 
 He LOVES the farm and opening all the doors (much more than I thought he would at this age).  The only down side is that he kept sucking on all the little animal magnets inside and was starting to wear the pictures off.  I ended up taking the magnets out and he still plays with the doors.
I decided to get down the white board to see what he'd think of the magnets on there.  They are a little flat, so were hard for him to get on and off.  He really enjoyed it, though!  I'll have to keep an eye out for thicker magnets for him.  In the meantime, it is great fine motor practice!

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