Monday, March 21, 2016

Graduating AAS Level 1!

A while back, I posted about how we adapted All About Spelling for a Toddler.  We didn't do all of the writing, because he wasn't ready and he hated it.  We also only did a couple of lessons a week.  Since that time we slowly started in some writing, although usually only a couple of phrases, not all of the words.  I'm excited to say we are now done with Level 1!  He was so incredibly proud of himself.  I think he called his grandma, grandpa, uncle and former babysitter to tell them he had finished.  

I wouldn't say he's at 100% mastery of every word.  The double "S" at the ends of words are still a little problematic, but he has mastered enough that it would be silly not to move on!
On to Level 2!
I have ordered and sorted All About Spelling Level 2.  (Kind of a bittersweet moment for me, I must admit.  My baby is getting so big, so fast!).  This time through I do plan on using the red dictation cards, since they should be easy enough for him to write.  We'll still have him write some, but not all of the phrases and sentences.  He likes the spelling and hate writing, so I don't want that dislike to transfer over to spelling.  We'll still only probably do 2-3 lessons a week, but I'll keep you updated!

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