This was his desk setup. On the left is his magnetic calendar. His white board had some alphabet magnets, and his fridge phonics set. The shelf had some Rs, some rhino books, and some toy rhinos.
Letter R Alphabet Sensory Bin
R and Rhino Puzzles
We did both printable and store bought puzzles. (Who says you can't do Tot School in a diaper?)

The safari puzzle had a rhino, so it was perfect for this week!
Letter Clipping

He finger pained an R (from 1+1+1=1). After a little while he decided a brush would be better.

Letter Maze
He LOVED his letter maze again this week. He used a Do-A-Dot marker and had him mark all of the Rs to make a path from the baby to the mommy.
He stamped some uppercase and lowercase Rs with our see through stamps.
Building Letters
We built some Rs using Handwriting Without Tears pieces. He was so proud of himself.

Case Sorting
Sorting letters into capital and lowercase. For some reason he really struggled with R.


Other Tot School Activities
We did both printable and store bought puzzles. (Who says you can't do Tot School in a diaper?)
The safari puzzle had a rhino, so it was perfect for this week!
Letter Clipping
He finger pained an R (from 1+1+1=1). After a little while he decided a brush would be better.
Letter Maze
He LOVED his letter maze again this week. He used a Do-A-Dot marker and had him mark all of the Rs to make a path from the baby to the mommy.
He stamped some uppercase and lowercase Rs with our see through stamps.
Building Letters
We built some Rs using Handwriting Without Tears pieces. He was so proud of himself.
Rhino Size Sorting
Case Sorting
Sorting letters into capital and lowercase. For some reason he really struggled with R.
Dot Magnet Rhinos
This week he asked to do his dot magnet pages with the bingo markers and wand. I'm impressed with how carefully and patiently he places the bingo markers before he collects them with the wand.Other Tot School Activities
Like mother like son! This week I learned that Xander likes "to do" lists. On a whim I wrote out a list of activities I wanted to accomplish with a dry erase marker. I told him that as we finished each one, he could erase it. Never has that kid been more focused! He wanted to go straight down the list, even though I told him he could go in any order he liked. He was also so quick to go between tasks! We might have to make it a normal part of Tot School!

He is still enjoying his calendar! We only do it a few times a week (to be honest, I forget til he reminds me), but he gets excited about it. He particularly enjoys running to the window to check the weather.
Block Building
By far, the favorite activity of the week was matching the block templates I made for him. Now that I know how much he likes it, I will need to try to incorporate this type of activity more often!
Floor Puzzle
This week's floor puzzle had a bunch of animals with their names. Every time we put it together, he wanted to go through and name all the animals.
Morning! Love your activities this week.
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