Xander is 21 Months
We are currently working on our Mommy & Me ABC units. This was our second week on letter A and alligators. You can see Week 1 of Letter A and Alligators here.
This was his desk set up for the week. His white board had some alligator cut outs (in the printables), some alphabet magnets, and his fridge phonics set. I added a mini pocket chart (from Target) to hold his sandpaper letters. Above that is my Tot School checklist to help me keep track of what we have done for the week.
His shelf had a fabric A, the A from his floor tiles, an A minibook, an alligator book I made him (you can download it on the Mommy & Me ABC page) , the alligators from his toobs, his peg letter A, and the alligator from his alphabet zoo. Above I hung some bulletin board letters and some alligator cards from 1+1+1=1. We also added an alligator craft he made. His book basket was the same as last week.
Case Sorting
We are currently working on our Mommy & Me ABC units. This was our second week on letter A and alligators. You can see Week 1 of Letter A and Alligators here.
This was his desk set up for the week. His white board had some alligator cut outs (in the printables), some alphabet magnets, and his fridge phonics set. I added a mini pocket chart (from Target) to hold his sandpaper letters. Above that is my Tot School checklist to help me keep track of what we have done for the week.
This box had a case sorting activity. He does not grasp the concept well enough to do it on his own, so I mostly modeled while talking about each letter. I know he will be able to do it on his own soon enough.
Letter Clipping
These are some letter clipping cards I made for him. He really enjoyed finding the corresponding A and trying to clip it.
Bottle Cap Matching
This one one of the bottle cap matching cards to use with the alphabet bottle caps I made. Eventually I will print the uppercase page on the back and thrown in both cases of bottle caps, but for now I just gave him the lowercase page and bottle caps. This was really hard for Xander because he doesn't know many of his letters yet. It will slowly get easier.
This box had some little alligators with colored shapes on them and a Shape Lakes page. The idea was for him to match the alligator's shape to the right lake.
This box was a step up from the 2 part puzzles last week. There were two printable puzzles and a purchased one. He loved the little ant puzzle, but couldn't quite get any of them himself.
Dot Magnet Page - Lowercase
Number Card Matching
Number cards and the corresponding number tiles. (I also uploaded some number tiles here you could just print and laminate). We did 0-5 last week, so we did 6-10 this week. Some days he was interested and got quite a few correct, other days he had no clue what was going on. That is fine with me! I will just keep modeling and encouraging and someday he will get it!
We did some more stamping with our uppercase and lowercase stamp. Let me just say THANK GOODNESS for washable ink!
Alligator craft (as seen on his wall in the pic above).
Xander is by no means ready to use scissors on his own, but he is absolutely fascinated with them. He is always trying to steal mine, so I decided to go ahead and get him his own pair of training scissors. The printables include some cutting pages which we worked on together. He LOVES doing it, but needs a lot of help and supervision.
Alphabet Stickers
We played in his sensory bin quite a bit more this week. He keeps asking for his "noodles."
Playing with his Alphabet Zoo
The Safari Puzzle got a lot of use this week!
I picked up this magnetic color sorter at a garage sale and Xander had so much fun with it. He can't actually sort the beads yet, but brought it to me daily saying "lap lap" wanting to sit in my lap and watch me. Then he would try to move the balls around after me.
Life Skills
Lately he has really been into "cleaning." This week I gave him a squirt bottle of water and a wash cloth and let him clean to his hearts content.
For more Alligator ideas you can check out my Alligator Pinterest Board.
We're working on A is for Allgiator too this week, thanks for sharing your ideas. I love the upper case and lower case sorting activity.
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed; you've got it together! Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you so much! I have to be honest, though. I am not nearly as together as I would like to be. Half the time I feel like I am running to keep up with myself! Luckly, I can get away with mostly posting the positive parts of the week (and skipping the smoke detector catastrophe, ant invasion, baby spit up on my bed, piles of my own schoolwork, and attempted poop ingestion). Have a great week!
DeleteSo many fun "a" things to do!! I'm thinking about getting some alphabet stickers actually as we just started Tot School this week :-) wamumma.blogspot.com